Our finances can be affected by activities we do unknowingly or intentionally daily without realizing it is secretly affecting our finances one should be mindful of his finances and what is making it not imposing any value as an asset and just dispearing without you knowing how you invested, paid bails, or spend it any other ways. Let's try to figure out some few activities we do daily that affect our finances.
Not mindful of your budget. This usually happens to us, we always forget to budget on how we can use the available cash at hand. It results into misuse of the finances.
Partying and excitiment; most of us always love over partying in clubs , bars and what keeps us their is money, this aspect greatly consumes most our finances to sustain addiction of partying.
Alcoholism and drug addiction; this is a worldwide problem it affects both financial and social life, alcoholism and drugs addicts usually spend almost most of their time drinking affecting both once business or once social life this addiction destroys all your finances.
Gambling (betting) it affects male counterparts most in gambling it's not always assured venture both in boxing, basketball, football betting, one may bet for the rest of his/her life and win less than 100$ after betting for several years instead of focusing in saving for investment, retirement most males go for gambling this affects once physiology and destroys your finances.
Involving yourself in scam business schemes. Most guys need quick wealth, they are easily convinced by unknown online users to join a business scheme promising one a huge return in profits after being scammed someone just realizes he/she has lost his finances to an online scammer.
Startingup unplanned business. This can be explained as a business without carryingout any estimation , budgeting or planning with this types of our mistakes we normally loose the little we have as savings. Always begin a business with following a right procedures to get back your intinal finances invested on a particular business.
Most people are normally not predictable when dealing with finances some one in time of need really needs finances to sustain their lives or to startup a business, after getting the required money to start a business someone now changes his idea and goes for other relevant activities to spend money on them. When he/she has used up the money now they start remembering how he/she could have used the money and get maximum profits from it.
Having multiple romantic partners, with the current experience l have on the field of business and social life having multiple lovers as a businessman especially young enterpreneur your business is likely not to last anymore due to the financial demand from both of your partners this drains down your business or enterprise. One should be mindful and try to avoid this to see very clear and watch his/her business grow successful.
Understanding and managing activities that affect your finances is very good and saves your finances from unnecessary leakage from your account.