As business is conducted today and how this era of civilization is, money is now an essential for success any person should have money for success, try visit any financial planner, business advisor and ask them out don't be surprised to hear the same answer. If you are willing to start any business try use mortgage system Incase you can't get finances but the lenders should offer good terms.
For a person to have access to get enough capital to start an enterprise it's quite hard but it's possible through saving what you always earn or get, saving is very powerful tool to get business capital never rush to a loan which excedes your capital this is where most people go wrong, if you want your business to bring profits and stay for a longtime never use a loan for starting but use it for boosting your business you should have some capital this gives you full control of your enterprise/business Incase you fail to complete your loan payment and your mortgage is your business the the loan would be less than your capital so your capital will be greater than what your loan terms demand you to payback or maybe your plot, car, house is your mortgage and they are greater than the loan value that means Incase of sale for loan payments you will still have more money from that asset to run your business.
Saving is one of the methods to fulfill your investment goals let's take an example why it's one of the best methods. An income of $5000 a year is not better than $500 unless part of it is saved , the income of $5000 if the entire amount is spent and dissipated it leaves behind no value than someone with $500 saved a half in along run he/she has a potential to start his investment in other areas.
Saving require great financial displine and in along or short run you will harvest the fruits according to how you saved.